Page 5 - Живописи
P. 5

Dear Connoisseurs of Art,
                                                                       It gives us great pleasure to present you with the first
                                                                 volume of the long-awaited scientific catalogue “Painting of
                                                                 Kazakhstan”, which has been published by the A. Kasteyev
                                                                 State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the
                                                                 first  time  ever,  with  the  support  of  KPMG  in  Kazakhstan
                                                                 and Central Asia.
                                                                       Kazakhstan  painting  is  a  key  section  in  the  unique
                                                                 collection  of  the  Museum,  which  comprises  over  three
                                                                 thousand artworks representing various genres and periods
                                                                 of  fine  arts  in  Kazakhstan.  We  believe  that  publishing  of
                                                                 the scientific catalogue will help preserve the rich cultural
                                                                 heritage  for  true  connoisseurs  of  art  and  contribute  to
                                                                 the  comprehensive  study  and  promotion  of  the  work  of
                                                                 Kazakhstan  artists,  not  only  in  our  country  but  also  far
                                                                       For  KPMG  in  Kazakhstan  and  Central  Asia  our
                                                                 cooperation  with  the  country’s  largest  art  museum  and
                                                                 a  leading  fine  arts  research,  cultural  and  educational
                                                                 centre  is  not  just  an  opportunity  to  make  a  contribution
                                                                 to  the  preservation  of  Kazakhstan’s  cultural  heritage.
                                                                 The things that unite us are the common values we share:
                                                                 expert  knowledge,  quality,  enthusiasm,  creativity,  and  an
                                                                 aspiration for self improvement and spiritual development.
                                                                       We are pleased to support the creative and scientific
                                                                 projects  of  A.  Kasteyev  State  Museum  of  Arts  of  the
                                                                 Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the important results of
                                                                 such support is the first volume of the scientific catalogue of
                                                                 Kazakhstan painting, which you are holding in your hands,
                                                                 and we intend to support publishing of the second volume
                                                                 of the catalogue in the near future.
                                                                       We  hope  that  our  contribution  to  the  art,  though
                                                                 small,  will  provide  a  powerful,  effective  and  wholesome
                                                                 impulse to the diverse perception of our world, its culture
                                                                 and colours through the prism of the remarkable collection
                                                                 of painting artworks presented in this edition!

                                                                 Әсел ХАИРОВА
                                                                 Қазақстандағы және Орталық Азиядағы
                                                                 KPMG Басқарушы серіктесі

                                                                 Асель ХАИРОВА
                                                                 Управляющий партнер
                                                                 KPMG в Казахстане и Центральной Азии

                                                                 Assel KHAIROVA
                                                                 Managing Partner
                                                                 KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

                                                                         ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОЕ ИСКУССТВО КАЗАХСТАНА. ЖИВОПИСЬ  5
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